
• Dr. Garima Mathur is Professor in Human Resource Management She is Head, HR Department & MBA Program with more than 16 years of research and academic experience. She has been engaged in corporate and academic trainings in variety of industries such as manufacturing, services, education. She has been talking about “Managing Emotions” at various platforms. She has chaired session/delivered keynote speeches in various conferences including overseas conferences as well. She is PhD guide and Seven research scholars under her have already been awarded PhD degree. She is active researcher and in all over ninety national and international refereed publications including Scopus, Web of Sciences and ABDC etc are due to her credit. She is an active Member of AIB, ISTD, (IAA) and GMA. She has also published five edited books. She is editor of ‘Prestige International Journal of IT & Management- Sanchayan’ and member of editorial and review boards of many reputed journals including Academy of Management- Annual Meeting, Inderscience Journals, Sage etc. She can be contacted at garimanmathur@gmail.com